What to do on a Friday night in San Francisco?
This evening, I headed with the Techwomen program to a Founder Friday event put on by Women 2.0 in San Francisco. If you’ve never been to one of these events, they’re a lot of fun. You mingle with (mostly) women who work at startups, are thinking about starting companies, are VCs, etc. and learn about what they’re doing, and tell them what you’re working on. It was inspiring to talk with so many people about what they’re working on and to feel the energy in the room. I enjoyed hearing about the art of pitching to VCs from Andrea Johnson from ThisLife (secure, cloud photo and video sharing/storage) and how to put your best foot forward from Heather Hiles, the founder of PathBrite (ePortfolios). Very cool!
It’s been an exciting week in Meg world, with the holiday and the start of the TechWomen program. I met the emerging leader who I am cultural mentor to at our Kickoff event at Oracle, and even learned a few words in Arabic. Inshallah (one of my new words; I believe it translates to “if God wills it”) the next few weeks of this program will be even more fun and amazing.