Social distancing report: Coronapocalypse, Day 3

Screenshot of shelter in place ordinance announcement
Screenshot of shelter in place announcement for San Francisco.

Today started with waking up in the house we bought and were camping out in in the East Bay. We had some breakfast and pastries that we got at Mariposa on the way over on Sunday. Husband worked (he’s working remotely) and I got the baby down for a nap and played hours of LEGO with the big kid.

Emptyish Highway 101S with Caltrans Sign: Wash Your Hands/ Stay Healthy/ Avoid Covid-19

We came back to the city and saw some of CalTrans’ efforts to combat the virus: road signs with Wash Your Hands/ Stay Healthy/ Avoid Covid-19. It was shocking how empty the roads were; 24 going toward San Francisco was nearly empty as was the Bay Bridge.

The drive took less than 30 minutes, by which time the Bay Area counties had released a Shelter in Place ordinance starting at midnight on March 17. We should mostly stay at home, unless we are an essential employee, need to go grocery shopping, or go to the pharmacy. We can go for walks with our immediate family but need to stay 6 feet from other people.

I took the kids for a walk to the blue post box up the hill and took the big one up a block to see a cement mixer in action. it was interesting to see people crossing the street to avoid other people; that said, there were very few people outside.

During a family walk in the evening we saw a MUNI bus with exactly one passenger on board.

It feels surreal to look outside and see no one on the street. It’s so quiet that we can’t hear the freeway near our house much of the day. I can hear the birds chirping.

The big kid misses preschool and her friends. We had a discussion about how we need to be extra careful not to get bad booboos, because the Emergency Room is not a safe place right now. I miss being home with just one kid. We all miss our normal routine, but I suppose this is going to become the new normal- hardly ever going outside the house.

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